
Introduction of The Research Team of Vehicle Control, Use, and Management

    Our research team focuses on technologies such as new energy vehicle design and control, vehicle autonomous driving, and vehicle fault diagnosis. We have undertaken the National Key Research and Development Program of China projects “Research and demonstration of intelligent management and control technology for metal mining equipment based on big data”, “Research and demonstration of key technologies for large-scale unmanned mining in underground metal mines”, “Development of active and passive cooperative protection technology for pedestrian safety”, the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 program) project “Intelligent mining technology for underground metal mines”, the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China project “Research and demonstration of key technologies for efficient underground mining of metal deposits” and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Project “Development of 14-ton large-scale dual-power underground mining scraper” and other research projects. 


Fig 1 The first 6m3 diesel-electric hybrid underground scraper in the world

    Through the completed projects, we have developed the first 6m3 hybrid scraper in the world, and we have taken the lead in realizing precise positioning and autonomous navigation of trackless mining vehicles in China. The project we are working on is devoted to the development of an integrated platform that integrates functions such as precise control of the entire process of paste filling, mine equipment health diagnosis and management, underground operations and intelligent management and dynamic scheduling of equipment, providing scientific and technological support for the efficient mining of metal mines in China; and the development of the active and passive cooperative protection technology for pedestrian safety for improving the pedestrian protection capabilities of the above platform, relying on the international scientific and technological innovation cooperation between the Chinese and Swedish governments.


Fig 2 Precise positioning and intelligent navigation of five types of underground intelligent mining equipment


Fig 3 Pedestrian detection and safety assessment based on deep learning


  • Address:No. 30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing
  • Telephone:010-2517221
  • Zip code:100083

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